Dog Information Form

As a member of the San Lorenzo Dog Training Club (SLDTC), you may include information about and pictures of your dog(s) on the Club's web site. This form allows you to easily submit that information. It may be filled out and submitted online; filled out, printed, and snail-mailed; or printed blank, filled out, and snail-mailed. Submission instructions are at the end of the form. Please submit one form per dog.

Owner's Information (Required)

Dog's Basic Information (Required)

(check one) (optional - YYYY-MM-DD)
(optional - no titles, please)

Dog's Titles Earned (Optional)

You may include any titles or certificates your dog has earned here. Please indicate the awarding registry, association, or club if not the AKC. Most titles work as a progression where only the highest level achieved is included before or after the dog's name (e.g., if your dog has an Open title, you no longer include the Novice title). Since the webmaster may not be versed in all dog sports, please include the entire progression of titles earned (e.g., CD, CDX, NA, OA, etc.) as there is plenty of room on the website for all of them. You may also optionally include the date on which each title was earned.

Brags or Comments About Dog (Optional)

You may include any additional information about this dog and/or brags about his or her accomplishments. You may also optionally include the date on which the brag happened.

Photos of Dog (Optional)

You may include up to five (5) photos of your dog, at least one of which is a nice close-up head shot. Each photo (excluding the head shot) may optionally include a brief caption (use "Comments" field above, back of this page, or include in email an message). Photos should not be copyrighted, or if they are you should be given permission to put them up on the website (generally copyrighted photographs are ones that are professionally taken where you have not been given permission to use them however you want).

If you would like to email the photos, please make sure they are taken at high quality (if using a digital camera) or scanned at a high resolution (if using a scanner) and send them to

If you are snail-mailing the form and photos, please use all the ordinary precautions for mailing photos (write "do not bend" on the envelope, include some additional stiff material, etc.) as we cannot be responsible for mishaps that happen in the mail. Your photos will be returned after they have been scanned in the condition in which they were received.

To send photos or submit this form by mail, use:

          San Lorenzo Dog Training Club
          ATTN: Webmaster
          534 C Lewelling Blvd.
          San Leandro, CA 94579-1846